Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Stress and Coping Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stress and Coping - Coursework Exampleinitial appraisal is important as it helps one to assess and understand the implication of a problematic shoes and the probability of such an event occurring.Elicitation of preliminary efforts. This helps in assessing the impact of the stressors and if one is able to cope with them by taking an imitative and efforts to try something which is credibly to bring a solution to a situation.Aldwin formulated person-based and environment-based theories of grapple with stressful situations. For purposes of this study, environment-based theories will be considered as the most highly applicable and relevant sticker to actual stress related issues because they allow individuals under stress to cope with situations depending on the demands of the environment. As such, one is exposed to different types of solutions since the different types of stresses demand screening of different types of coping strategies and solutions. For instance, the different str esses such as getting laid off from work, getting sick, losing a loved one or dealing with whatsoever other type of stress requires one to cope differently in order to successfully solve a stressful situation.Practically, there is numerous show in the real word, showing that most of the people under stress react differently towards varying types of stressors. Stressful situations can be categorized in varied ways. One category is to determine whether a particular situation has already led to loss of a loved one or every other harmful effect, if the situation has potential future harm such as if it entails some kind of threat, or if it can be seen as challenge that has potential of yielding positive outcomes. Stressors can also be classified according to content types. In this case, there are illnesses, hassles, interpersonal problems and deaths. The major coping strategy here is to help individuals relate multiple stressful conditions and compare how the coping strategies can be used successfully across the problems. Due to

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